Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So shocked

The world has been different now.
The financial centennial crisis is growng and spreading rapidly. 3 or 4 from traditional 5 American Investment Banking magnates are suffering severely.
Oil is still hiking,without signs of stopping or slowing down. It seems like all human beings are going to live with high inflation for a long time.

I had felt the world changed day by day or even hour by hour after reading economic and finacial newspapers in my college time. Not a daily reader of those media,I read only twice or three times a week,and I felt nervous about the world I would someday face and live in.

Now that Lehmen Brothers is down,Bear Stearns taken by Fed,and AIG stumbles and looks for help,this Autumn opened with market volatility and uncertainty,and is full of bad news. It seems like not good for a new comer to join the finacial work place now.

Hope that all tumultuous and economic woes would turn out be safe after a variety of rescues, and eventually pave way for better and more stable financial orders.

今早最新消息是Morgan Stanley將被日本的銀行買下最多20%

多次貸跟雷曼地雷,今年獲利可能大減. 但是不論如何,希望在這

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