Monday, October 12, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor

Sonia Sotomayor,the latest named U.S. Supreme Court Justice,the first hispanic who claims this title. (Photo:AP)

Couldn't imagine how deeply diversified of people from different ethnicities working together at Los Angeles Int'l Airport,when I set my foot on America for the first time.

America,a once so-called "Melting Pot" of world races,was tainted partly becaused of the war on terrorism. And I prefer calling U.S. "A Plate Putting with Many Cuisines" to "A Melting Pot." Melting means everything is melted together.

Though,America has gone on a right way and retaken it's role that it used to play. It's good to see talents being recruited and has their spots on American society.

Sonia Sotomayor,the first hispanic Supreme judge,will take a role on any critical issues like abortion and same-sex marriage.

She now holds the power to judge and have a say on America,that stands for everyone is equal before law,and everyone's able to have equal rights,like a hispanic American sharing the spureme jurisdiction,Whites and Blacks alike.

I know not much about Justice Sotomayor,but I hope she speaks for justice,and a better America.


Anonymous said...

I had read some stroy about America... we all know at 1914.. black people do not have righ to express their opinion.. the rold they play is only a slave... now we still can find same things happened in China, Shri lanka(do know how to spell ha), and other countries. Employers take away labors' passport; labors jame in small labor camps; evern when finanical crisis happened, those people lost jobs and did not have any evidence to prove their arrival. Right?? what's right? to them this word is meanless.. at the same time.. I am glad Americans embrace differnt people who had distictive backgrounds and religions.. we still need progress.. don't u think

georgetraveler said...


Yes,you're right.When we sit down on our cozy couches at home,there are still plenty of people suffering from bad living condition or disease. I'm not saying we're going to save the world,but we can treasure what we have had now at least. And try to improve the world in the end,if available.

I'm not an American,I know not much about Mrs. Sotomayor,and I have no idea how Americans think of her. But I also recognize her ascent as embracing people from different backgrounds,like you do.