Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 4 (11/29)

Yes,when I wrote this article,it's been more than ten days passed after Nov.29. I had been busy for a while,and now let's read on and make it a piece of memoir in Tokyo:

We went to Yoyogi Park as commited to each other last night. But before the Park,we went into the Meiji Shrine and took a look of the surrounding areas. The weather was delightly perfect. Sunny,but not hot at all. And to my surprise,we witnessed a wedding ceremony. This was not my first time to see a Japanese traditional wedding ritual,but I guessed it was my newly-made friend's. I had saw it on the second day I got here.

When we went out of the Shrine and headed to the Yoyogi Park,there was a billboard with a picture showing people in traditional gowns. Then I knew the Shrine might use itself as an attraction to those would-be brides and grooms,commercially. I thought so.

Afterward we hanged out in Yoyogi Park a bit,and turned to a flea market across a road soon. There,we had fun looking for things,mostly clothes,with cheap prices. And sure we were both satisfied when leaving the market.

Shibuya(涉谷) and Ometosando(表參道) were the last few places we visited together. We talked a lot and shared our views of life,travel and philosophy of design. We stopped at the Aoyama district,this was the last place I could be. I could't walk ahead more,nor be my friend's company. It was time. The final call to go back to the hostel,take the luggage,hop on a train and make it in time to my flight.

It was sad to say good-bye. I shaked my friend's hand,and said good-bye,eventually.

On the way home during the flight,I slept,ate and slept again. I thought I went with a mood,but ended up happily. How amazing! I would never figure out and fathom the depth of humans,relations and life. But I think I can try to meet them open-mindedly,and take the results well.

Sometimes,you do what you do,and leave the rest out of your reach to others.

The followings are a few photos I like the most. They may be the reason I go back again someday.

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