Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Real World

Let's talk about business.

The latest copy of Taiwan's BusinessWeekly unveiled some scoops of one of the fastest-growing companies in the world - Samsung.

Samsung is now a corporate giant in many ways. It makes the most LCD monitors,occupies a large proportion of LCD TV market and is second to none when it comes to NAND Flash or DRAM making.

Samsung is also the second biggest hand-set maker,only a spot shy of Nokia.
From the inside story of BusinessWeekly,Samsung makes its fame by mass producing design-oriented but affordable products. And it always tries to kiss up to its enemies to learn and gain hi-end techniques.

Now Samsung has a whopping leading advantage in comsumer electronics,and one should not be surprised to see a staggering amount of advertisements and commercials posted and aired all over the world.

How can we,the Taiwanese,beat them?

Of course the magazine puts out some strategies to meet the global giant. But one thing is vital important: Samsung has the Korean government get its back. And the Korean government could do and come up something attractive to allure Foreign Direct Investment(FDI). In my opinoin,their government works better than ours.

Taiwan's economy used to benefit from small-and-medium size companies. But now,this island is ailing because of the transit of capital. Taiwanese entrepreneurs have moved their money and factories to mainland China and caused a series of bilateral effects. Now we suffer from a lack of energy inside and a striking challenge outside.

The remedies not only rely on the free-trade deal with China,which is the so-called ECFA. But to transform our economy to the next generation,and to lead the world by hiring persons with global perspectives.

Acer's climbing to laptop market is a good example. I think without Gianfranco Lanci,the CEO of the Acer group,it would not be the No.2 right now in the laptop industry. At least not so fast to be among the top brands of the world.

So,for other enterprises,if they want to compete with the world,they may have to find the guys who can win the world. Not just by us,the Taiwanese,only.

That's what I think about tackling Korea. And they do have realized and done the philosophy of global recruitment. Not only for corporates,but the government itself has hired some foreign experts as advisers.

We have to keep up,or to be left behind. 

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