Germen economy was weak a decade ago,it was once called an european patient. Now it looks like Germany is the key nation which can keep the european monetary union function well.
But the central european economic hub is reluctant to bail out other states,the Merkel administration acted very carefully about the funding issue. Some high-ranking officials even spoke against any bailout plans for Greece,including Kanzlerin Merkel herself.
Is Germany overreacted and too careful about the crisis? And thus causing the deprecition of Euro?
I have no idea about the scoop. But according to german research institutes,Greece might have held something back,that is the Greek government deficit might be bigger than what is known by the public.
In this crisis,the world is informed again about the european monetary integration and has reviewed the role Germany plays in it.
Last week's economist had a special report on Germany,it unveiled many reforms Germans had been thruogh,and what were left after them.
Take a look at the picture below.(

I'm surprised by the GDP per person are so high in some areas .
Although Germany has problems to fusion the east and west parts of it,overall its economy is healthier than elsewhere in Europe.
Germany enjoys a trade surplus,it has the second or third largest common account surplus in the world mostly by exporting their products to the neighboring countries. Even in this european financial crisis,Germany might have beneficted more than others - by depreciation of Euro,it will have a bigger margin.
It's time for Germans to think about the future of Europe,and that's their future,too.