Sunday, March 7, 2010

Japan,a long way to recovery

I saw an artical featuring the fall of Japan's economy. It was a brilliant cover story by a local news magazine here in Taiwan.

In that artical,the main reason that caused the fall of Japan's once powerful economic strength was the sharp appreciation of its currency.
With the appreciation,the export power had been hurt. The prosperities in stock market and real estate were soon broken.

Not long ago,there was another local news magazine putting out articals about Taiwan's currency policy. They argued Taiwanese central banker shall let the New Taiwan Dollar increase its value,rather than constant depreciation,given the alteration of international economics and local industry outlook.

That is an issue we can keep an eye on for many decades. Monetary policy is not just about economics,it's also related to politics.

Right now,I think we're lucky to have a wise central banker,who has done his job beautifully for many years.

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