Friday, February 26, 2010


Ernest Hemingway said that if you stay in Paris for a while when you're young,Paris would be a moveable feast for you. Is that true?

Yes,I think that's true! And he was probably damn right to comment that.

I stayed in Paris for six days during the Chinese New Year holidays. There,in Paris,I saw a different world I had never experienced before.
Everything was big in Paris. The Louvre,the Invalidee,the Versailles and the
river Seine. I should have used the phrase for the U.S.,'cause that's how people depict America. "Even the ants are bigger in America."

But I rather gave that kind of phrases to Paris. Having been so ignorant to Paris,France and Europe,I only had few images in my mind about the city and the nation. When I was near the end of my trip,I realized that France,letting us take Paris as a projection of its national wealth and power,was quite a highly civilized country with high-end technology and uniqe appreciation of art. France has far more than coffee and wine.

People there were nice. Not arrogant at all. Though they barely spoke English,they were willing to help me.

I came to know on the last day that there were so many celebrities,artists,statesmen,etc. shared this city one time or the other in their lives. As a tourist,a traveler,I had my footprints set in Paris as well,and I might some day proudly say that I was there when someone great was there too.

Biennvenu a Paris!

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