Saturday, October 30, 2010

About the trip to America

In Northwestern University,Chicago,I saw a breath-taking scene that I would never see in Taiwan.

The N.U. had an inner lake inside the campus,and outside of it was Lake Michigan. Between them was a levee. I was so moved when standing on the levee,watching the borderless Lake Michigan,or maybe the inner sea of America. I thought Lake Michigan was probably bigger than Taiwan,or pretty much the same size.

That was the best part of the journey. I went to New York and Boston,and revisited Chicago and L.A. I had saw what I expected to see,but the time there in N.U. surprised me the most. I thought I found peace there.

I thought I found peace there.

Oh,the railroad trip from New York to Boston on Amtrak was also great. Autumn foliage was everywhere during the Conneticut part,the train even took me to come so close to the Atlantic Sea. It was a coastline route.  

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